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Showing posts from 2011

La Visione del Mondo Tra Reale e Surreale poster uzumaki

La Visione del Mondo Tra Reale e Surreale poster uzumaki , originally uploaded by Transreal Space Project .
DSC04811 , originally uploaded by Transreal Space Project .

Theme : SHINE

Transreal_Space_Project___logo wind , originally uploaded by Transreal Space Project .

Transreal Space Project: Another blog (Wordpress)

Transreal Spaceproject : wordpress Vision of the World: Between Real and Surreal A vision of the world through the eyes of Naomi. Europe, Latin America, the U.S. and Japan alternate each other in visions between real and surreal, reinterpreting nature and city. A feast of vivid colors and renewed forms. La Visione del Mondo: Tra Reale e Surreale Una visione del mondo attraverso gli occhi di Naomi. Europa, America Latina, Nord America, e Giappone si alternano in visioni tra reale e surreale, reinterpretando natura a citta'. Una festa di vividi colori e rinnovate forme. Visión del mundo: Entre lo verdadero y lo surrealista Una visión del mundo a través de los ojos de Naomi. Europa, América Latina, EE.UU. y Japón se alternan entre sí en visiones que abarcan lo real y lo surrealista, la reinterpretación de la naturaleza y la ciudad. Una fiesta de colores vivos y formas renovadas.

Series: Focus , Urbino 2

Urbino Morning 3 , originally uploaded by Transreal Space Project .

Series: Focus

Urbino Morning 2 , originally uploaded by Transreal Space Project . Series: Focus , Urbino 1

Exhibition August 2010

DSC04819-1 , originally uploaded by Transreal Space Project .

Exhibition August 2010

DSC04823-1 , originally uploaded by Transreal Space Project .

Exhibition August 2010

DSC04698-1 , originally uploaded by Transreal Space Project .

Exhibition August 2010

DSC04710-1 , originally uploaded by Transreal Space Project .

Exhibition July 2010

picnikfile_SuG8zP , originally uploaded by Transreal Space Project .

Exhibition in June 11 (Sat) 15-17pm, 2011, at Machiya "English Kichen Story"

Exhibition/Event in June 11 (Sat) 15-17pm, 2011, at Machiya " Kichen Story " ( >> In Japanese ) Some works are created during the exhibition, and artworks/photographed Space are also created to portray other transreal spaces. --- I prepare short videos, photography slide shows. I would like to share, interact with participants' experiences,  ideas, and create unexpected time and space. 1. Shine 2. Travel 3. Now in preparation... (In Japanese/English ) 1000yen for Japanese, 500 yen for foreign residents/travelers including tea/cookies. Please contact with the gallery owner ;  Kitchen Story in advance for your participation. Thank you!

イベント: 6月11日 15pm-17pm at 町屋 カルチャーサークル " Kitchen Story"西院・京都

Transreal Space Project イベント H23年 6月11日 15pm-17pm  場所:京都の町屋(西院)カルチャーサークル  Kitchen Stories 写真スライドショーとショートビデオ(主に旅で撮った作品)を使ってアーティストと参加者が対話を行います。お茶・お茶菓子とともに京都の町屋のゆったりとした空間で楽しく過ごしましょう。 (小人数、日本語・英語)。 参加費:1000円(日本人の方)・500円(外国国籍の方) Kitchen Stories 参加ご希望の方は Kitchen Stories  のベルギー人詩人、オーナー english.kitchenstories AT (AT->@変えてメールしてください) に 事前にご連絡ください。  Some works are created during the exhibition, and artworks/photographed Space are also created to portray other transreal spaces. --- I prepare short videos, photography slide shows on my travel. I would like to share, interact with participants' experiences,  ideas, and create unexpected time and space. 1. Shine 2. Travel 3. Now in preparation... Please contact with the gallery owner ; Kitchen Stories:Culture and Language Circle , in advance. Thank you!